"Feed the Future" Food Pantry

Dear Parents, 

We understand that having access to enough food is a basic necessity, and we care about the well-being of all families in our community. If you find yourself in need of food assistance, we can help.

Our school District has a food pantry set up to support families who may be experiencing food insecurity. 'Feed the Future Food Pantry' is located at 115 Illinois Street, Central Falls (The McKenna Center). Please connect with your homeschool liaison to ensure that you have access to this resource. 

We believe in supporting each other in times of need, and we are here to provide a helping hand. Your well-being matters to us, and we are committed to ensuring that you have access to the resources you need.

Warmest regards,

Central Falls School District Family and Community Empowerment Team (FACE Team) 

Here is the contact information for our homeschool liaisons: